The first twice hero of the USSR. Twice hero of the Soviet Union Sultan in the sky 2 hero of the USSR

The highest degree of distinction in the USSR was the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It was awarded to citizens who accomplished a feat during military operations or distinguished themselves by other outstanding services to their Motherland. As an exception, it could have been appropriated in peacetime.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established by the Decree of the USSR Central Executive Committee of April 16, 1934. Later, on August 1, 1939, as an additional insignia for Heroes of the USSR, it was approved in the form of a five-pointed star mounted on a rectangular block, which was issued to the recipients along with a diploma from the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces. At the same time, it was established that those who repeated a feat worthy of the title of Hero would be awarded the second Order of Lenin and the second Gold Star medal. When the hero was re-awarded, his bronze bust was installed in his homeland. The number of awards with the title Hero of the Soviet Union was not limited.

The list of the first Heroes of the Soviet Union was opened on April 20, 1934 by polar explorer pilots: A. Lyapidevsky, S. Levanevsky, N. Kamanin, V. Molokov, M. Vodopyanov, M. Slepnev and I. Doronin. Participants in the rescue of passengers in distress on the legendary steamship Chelyuskin.

Eighth on the list was M. Gromov (September 28, 1934). The crew of the aircraft he led set a world record for flight range along a closed curve at a distance of more than 12 thousand kilometers. The next Heroes of the USSR were the pilots: crew commander Valery Chkalov, who together with G. Baidukov and A. Belyakov made a long non-stop flight along the Moscow - Far East route.

It was for military exploits that for the first time 17 commanders of the Red Army (Decree of December 31, 1936) who participated in the Spanish Civil War became Heroes of the Soviet Union. Six of them were tank crews, the rest were pilots. Three of them were awarded the title posthumously. Two of the recipients were foreigners: Bulgarian V. Goranov and Italian P. Gibelli. In total, for battles in Spain (1936-39), the highest honor was awarded 60 times.

In August 1938, this list was supplemented by 26 more people who showed courage and heroism during the defeat of the Japanese interventionists in the area of ​​Lake Khasan. About a year later, the first presentation of the Gold Star medal took place, which was received by 70 fighters for their exploits during battles in the area of ​​the river. Khalkhin Gol (1939). Some of them became twice Heroes of the Soviet Union.

After the start of the Soviet-Finnish conflict (1939-40), the list of Heroes of the Soviet Union increased by another 412 people. Thus, before the start of the Great Patriotic War, 626 citizens received the Hero, among whom were 3 women (M. Raskova, P. Osipenko and V. Grizodubova).

More than 90 percent of the total number of Heroes of the Soviet Union appeared in the country during the Great Patriotic War. 11 thousand 657 people were awarded this high title, 3051 of them posthumously. This list includes 107 fighters who became twice heroes (7 were awarded posthumously), and the total number of those awarded included 90 women (49 - posthumously).

The attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR caused an unprecedented rise in patriotism. The Great War brought a lot of grief, but it also revealed the heights of courage and strength of character of seemingly ordinary ordinary people.

So, who would have expected heroism from the elderly Pskov peasant Matvey Kuzmin. In the very first days of the war, he came to the military registration and enlistment office, but they brushed him off because he was too old: “go, grandfather, to your grandchildren, we’ll figure it out without you.” Meanwhile, the front was inexorably moving east. The Germans entered the village of Kurakino, where Kuzmin lived. In February 1942, an elderly peasant was unexpectedly summoned to the commandant's office - the battalion commander of the 1st Mountain Rifle Division found out that Kuzmin was an excellent tracker with perfect knowledge of the terrain and ordered him to assist the Nazis - to lead a German detachment to the rear of the advanced battalion of the Soviet 3rd Shock Army . “If you do everything right, I’ll pay you well, but if you don’t, blame yourself...” “Yes, of course, of course, don’t worry, your honor,” Kuzmin feignedly whined. But an hour later, the cunning peasant sent his grandson with a note to our people: “The Germans ordered a detachment to be led to your rear, in the morning I will lure them to the fork near the village of Malkino, meet me.” That same evening, the fascist detachment with its guide set off. Kuzmin led the Nazis in circles and deliberately exhausted the invaders: they forced them to climb steep hillsides and wade through dense bushes. “What can you do, your honor, well, there is no other way here...” At dawn, tired and cold fascists found themselves at the Malkino fork. "That's it, guys, they're here." “How did you come!?” “So, let’s rest here and then we’ll see...” The Germans looked around - they had been walking all night, but they had moved only a couple of kilometers from Kurakino and were now standing on the road in an open field, and twenty meters in front of them was a forest, where, now they understood for sure, there was a Soviet ambush. “Oh, you…” – the German officer pulled out a pistol and emptied the entire clip into the old man. But at that same second, a rifle salvo rang out from the forest, then another, Soviet machine guns began to chatter, and a mortar fired. The Nazis rushed about, screamed, and shot randomly in all directions, but not one of them escaped alive. The hero died and took 250 Nazi occupiers with him. Matvey Kuzmin became the oldest Hero of the Soviet Union, he was 83 years old.

And the youngest gentleman of the highest Soviet rank, Valya Kotik, joined the partisan detachment at the age of 11. At first he was a liaison for an underground organization, then he took part in military operations. With his courage, fearlessness and strength of character, Valya amazed his seasoned senior comrades. In October 1943, the young hero saved his squad by noticing the approaching punitive forces in time, he raised the alarm and was the first to enter the battle, killing several Nazis, including a German officer. On February 16, 1944, Valya was mortally wounded in battle. The young hero was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. He was 14 years old.

The entire people, young and old, rose up to fight the fascist infection. Soldiers, sailors, officers, even children and old people selflessly fought against the Nazi invaders. Therefore, it is not surprising that the vast majority of awards with the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union occur during the war years.

In the post-war period, the title of GSS was awarded quite rarely. But even before 1990, awards continued for exploits during the Great Patriotic War, which were not carried out at the time for various reasons, intelligence officer Richard Sorge, F.A. Poletaev, the legendary submariner A.I. Marinesko and many others.

For military courage and dedication, the title of GSS was awarded to participants in combat operations performing international duty in North Korea, Hungary, Egypt - 15 awards; in Afghanistan, 85 internationalist soldiers received the highest honor, of which 28 were posthumous.

A special group, awarding military equipment test pilots, polar explorers, participants in the exploration of the depths of the World Ocean - 250 people in total. Since 1961, the title of GSS has been awarded to cosmonauts; over 30 years, 84 people who have completed a space flight have been awarded it. Six people were awarded for eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

It should also be noted that in the post-war years, a vicious tradition arose of awarding high military honors for “armchair” achievements dedicated to anniversary birthdays. This is how repeatedly noted heroes like Brezhnev and Budyonny appeared. “Gold Stars” were also awarded as friendly political gestures; due to this, the list of Heroes of the USSR was supplemented by the heads of the allied states Fidel Castro, Egyptian President Nasser and some others.

The list of Heroes of the Soviet Union was completed on December 24, 1991, by captain 3rd rank, underwater specialist L. Solodkov, who participated in a diving experiment for long-term work at a depth of 500 meters under water.

In total, during the existence of the USSR, 12 thousand 776 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Of these, 154 people were awarded it twice, 3 people three times. and four times – 2 people. The first twice Heroes were military pilots S. Gritsevich and G. Kravchenko. Three times Heroes: air marshals A. Pokryshkin and I. Kozhedub, as well as Marshal of the USSR S. Budyonny. There are only two four-time Heroes on the list - USSR Marshals G. Zhukov and L. Brezhnev.

In history, there are known cases of deprivation of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - 72 in total, plus 13 canceled Decrees on conferring this title as unfounded.

Biographies and exploits of Heroes of the Soviet Union and holders of Soviet orders:

Grigory Panteleevich Kravchenko (September 27 (October 10) 1912, the village of Golubovka, Ekaterinoslav province - February 23, 1943, the village of Sinyavino, Leningrad region) - lieutenant general of aviation, ace pilot. Together with Gritsevets S.I., the first twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1939). Born on September 27 (October 10), 1912 in the village of Golubovka, Novomoskovsk district, Ekaterinoslav province (now Novomoskovsk district, Dnepropetrovsk region) in the family of a poor peasant. Ukrainian In 1930, he graduated from the school for peasant youth and entered the Perm Land Management College, which was soon transferred to Moscow. After his first year at the Moscow Land Management College in 1931, he was drafted into the Red Army. In the same year he joined the CPSU(b). After the group's flight to Canton, Kravchenko took part in a raid on an enemy airfield. On May 31, 1938, he destroyed 2 aircraft while repelling an enemy raid on Hanhou. A few days later he destroyed 3 enemy fighters in one battle, but he himself was shot down. In the summer of 1938, he won his last victory over Hanhou - he shot down a bomber. In total, in China he shot down about 10 enemy aircraft and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. At the end of December 1938, Kravchenko was awarded the extraordinary military rank of major. He continued flight test work at the Air Force Research Institute in Stefanovsky's detachment. Conducted state tests of fighters: I-16 type 10 with wing “M” (December 1938 - January 1939), I-16 type 17 (February-March 1939). Conducted a number of test work on I-153 and DI-6 fighters. On February 22, 1939, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin. After the establishment of the special insignia “Golden Star”, he was awarded medal No. 120. On May 29, from the Central Airfield named after. Frunze, a group of 48 pilots and engineers who had combat experience, led by the Deputy Head of the Air Force Directorate, Corps Commander Ya. V. Smushkevich, flew on 3 Douglas transport aircraft along the route Moscow - Sverdlovsk - Omsk - Krasnoyarsk - Irkutsk - Chita for strengthening units participating in the Soviet-Japanese conflict near the Khalkhin Gol River. K.E. Voroshilov came to see them off, who prohibited the flight until parachutes were delivered for everyone. On June 2, 1939, Kravchenko arrived in Mongolia and was appointed an adviser to the 22nd Fighter Aviation Regiment (based at Tamsag-Bulak). After the death in battle of the regiment commander, Major N. G. Glazykin, and then the lieutenant regiment commander, Captain A. I. Balashev, he was appointed regiment commander. The regiment's pilots destroyed more than 100 enemy aircraft in the air and on the ground. Kravchenko himself, from June 22 to July 29, conducted 8 air battles, shot down 3 aircraft personally and 4 in the group, including the famous ace Major Marimoto. Participated in 2 assault strikes on enemy airfields, in which 32 enemy aircraft were destroyed under his command, on the ground and in the air. On August 10, for courage in battles with aggressors, the Presidium of the Small Khural of the MPR awarded Grigory Panteleevich Kravchenko the Order of the Red Banner for Military Valor. The order was presented by Marshal of the Mongolian People's Republic Khorlogin Choibalsan.

Marshal of the Mongolian People's Republic Khorlogin Choibalsan with Soviet pilots awarded for participation in the battles at Khalkhin Gol, 1939.

Marshal of the Mongolian People's Republic Khorlogin Choibalsan. On August 29, 1939, Major Grigory Panteleevich Kravchenko was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (medal No. 1/II) for the second time. G. P. Kravchenko and S. I. Gritsevets became the first twice Heroes of the Soviet Union. In addition to Kravchenko himself, 13 more pilots of the 22nd IAP were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, 285 people were awarded orders and medals, and the regiment became Red Banner. On September 12, 1939, a group of Heroes of the Soviet Union flew from the area of ​​the Khalkhin Gol River to Moscow on 2 transport planes. In Ulaanbaatar, the Soviet pilots were greeted by Marshal Choibalsan. A dinner was given in their honor. On September 14, 1939, the heroes of Khalkhin Gol were met in Moscow by representatives of the Air Force General Staff and relatives. A gala dinner took place at the Central House of the Red Army. On September 15, 1939, he left for the Kiev Military District to participate in the operation to liberate the western regions of Ukraine as an adviser to the aviation division. On October 2, 1939, Major G.P. Kravchenko was recalled from the Kyiv Military District and appointed head of the fighter aviation department of the Main Directorate of the Red Army Air Force. Kravchenko was given an apartment in Moscow on Bolshaya Kaluzhskaya Street (now Leninsky Prospekt). His parents and younger brother and sister moved in with him. On November 4, 1939, for the first time in the country, Gold Star medals were awarded to Heroes of the Soviet Union. The first in the country and two Gold Star medals at once, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin attached Grigory Panteleevich Kravchenko to his tunic. On November 7, 1939, he was the leader of five fighters and opened the air parade over Red Square. In November 1939, Kravchenko was nominated as a candidate for deputy of the Moscow Regional Council of Workers' Deputies (he was elected in December). The distribution of targets between the brigades was as follows: the 10th brigade bombed the ports of the western and southwestern coasts of Finland, as well as enemy transports and warships at sea, and the Kravchenko group bombed populated areas in central and southern Finland. Awarded the second Order of the Red Banner. On February 19, 1940, he was awarded the rank of brigade commander, and in April he was awarded the rank of division commander. In the summer of 1940 he participated in the annexation of Estonia. In May-July 1940 - head of the fighter aviation department of the Flight Technical Inspectorate of the Red Army Air Force. By a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 4, 1940, G. P. Kravchenko was awarded the military rank of lieutenant general of aviation. From July 19 to November 1940 - Commander of the Air Force of the Baltic Special Military District. Since November 23, 1940, he attended advanced training courses for command personnel at the Academy of the General Staff. In March 1941, after graduating from KUVNAS, he was appointed commander of the 64th IAD of the Kyiv Special Military District (12th, 149th, 166th, 246th and 247th IAP), which he commanded until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Great Patriotic War With the outbreak of the war with Germany after the death of the leadership of the 11th mixed aviation division of the Western Front on June 22, 1941, he was appointed commander of this air division, in July-August 1941 he participated in the Battle of Smolensk (the 11th air division was attached to the 13th Army of the Central , then Bryansk Front). From November 22, 1941 to March 1942 - Commander of the Air Force of the 3rd Army of the Bryansk Front. Then, in March-May 1942 - commander of the 8th strike aviation group of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command (Bryansk Front). From May 1942, he formed the 215th Fighter Aviation Division, and as its commander participated in battles on the Kalinin (November 1942 - January 1943) and Volkhov (from January 1943) fronts. On February 23, 1943, in an air battle, Kravchenko shot down a Focke-Wulf 190, but his La-5 plane caught fire. Having flown over the front line, Kravchenko was unable to reach his airfield and was forced to abandon the plane, but the parachute did not open, the exhaust cable with which the parachute pack was opened was broken by a shrapnel, and he died. The urn with ashes was buried in a columbarium in the Kremlin wall on February 28, 1943. The total number of victories won by G. P. Kravchenko is not given in any of the sources (with the exception of P. M. Stefanovsky’s book “300 Unknowns,” which lists 19 victories won in battles with the Japanese. Perhaps these figures reflect his overall result of combat activity). According to some memoir sources, in his last battle he won 4 victories at once (he shot down 3 planes with cannon fire, and drove another one into the ground with a skillful maneuver). Some Western sources indicate 20 victories won in 4 wars.

Pilot Amet-Khan-Sultan. How he fought, what he did after the war, how he died.

The name of Amet-Khan-Sultan is known to few today. And this is twice Hero of the Soviet Union. The fighter pilot comes from the Crimean Tatars on his mother’s side and from the Laks of Dagestan on his father’s side. Fought bravely. Once he rammed a German Yu-88D-1 over Yaroslavl and escaped by parachute. I was flying a Hurricane back then. He fought in the skies of Stalingrad. He was shot down but survived. He fought on many types of aircraft from I-15 to Airacobra. On free-hunting flights, I looked for fascist aces in the sky together with my fellow pilots. In 1944, he captured the Fieseler-Storch and forced it to land at a Soviet airfield. Amet-Khan-Sultan already flew over Berlin on the La-7, then the newest fighter. It was there that he shot down his last plane, the Foke-Wulf 190. This happened on April 29, 1945. The next day, the main Fuhrer of Germany committed suicide. At the age of 25 he became twice Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1947 he began working as a test pilot, and soon received 3rd class. Four years later, the first-class test pilot began to master supersonic flights. It launched test cruise missiles from the Tu-95K strategic bomber. Amet-Khan-Sultan also took part in testing ejection seats. Once there was an explosion in the air of a squib, the fuel tank was punctured, kerosene poured into the cabin of the plane, we were flying on a UTI MiG-15. Amet-Khan managed to land at the airfield. He saved the parachutist Golovin and his life. It was impossible for him to eject due to damage to the seat guide. Coolness helped the former military fighter to act skillfully and prudently in the most difficult moment.

It is very unfortunate that Amet-Khan, a fifty-year-old pilot, died while testing a new jet engine, which probably exploded at the moment of release from the fuselage and launch. His Tu-16 fell into a swamp along with its crew.

Today in Alupka there is a La-5 aircraft as a monument to the famous ace. There are 25 stars painted on its side with white paint. This is based on the number of opponents destroyed by Amet-Khan. In fact, he only personally shot down 30 aircraft, not counting group victories. Conducted 150 air combats.

As a child, the future pilot watched the flight of eagles soaring over the mountains. He graduated from the “trade”, began working as a mechanic, and then as a boiler room assistant in a depot, and at the same time worked at the flying club of the city of Simferopol. He entered the Kachin pilot school in 1939, immediately deciding to join fighter aviation. Good reaction and excellent vision contributed to this. And a fighter pilot’s poor character is not a hindrance, but a help. I met the beginning of the war in the Odessa Military District. At that time he was piloting the I-153 biplane (the plane’s nickname was “Swallow”). He defeated a column of fascist troops on it near Chisinau during an attack. In the fall of 1941, he retrained to fly an English aircraft of the Hurricane model. After ramming over Yaroslavl, the Junkers jumped out with a parachute and landed near the village of Dymokurtsy. He broke his head when he rammed it. The Germans also jumped out of their bomber with parachutes, landed in the Volga, but were caught by Soviet soldiers. For the air ramming, Amet-Khan-Sultan was awarded a personalized watch and an order. While fighting on the Yak-7A near Stalingrad, the pilot shot down several enemy aircraft, including the Me-109. In his spare time, during breaks between battles, Amet-Khan enthusiastically played chess. In the sky, this man beat the German aces and von barons in aerobatics, since he himself was the Sultan. He made a very tangible contribution to the victory over Germany.

Killed in 1945 in an air battle in East Prussia. Navigator of the 75th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment of the 1st Guards Assault Aviation Division of the 1st Air Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, guard captain. Twice Soviet Union.

The feat of Nikolai Semeiko.

An attack pilot on the Il-2 was one of the most dangerous professions during the Second World War. Unlike bombers, they stormed enemy positions at low level flight at an altitude of only 50-250 meters at a speed of up to 300 km/h, attracting fire not only from anti-aircraft guns, but also from everything that was fired from the ground, and after the assault Enemy fighters were waiting for them, from which there was only one defense - to stand in a circle, covering each other's tail, and slowly return to their airfield.

For their enemies, they became “black death”, and in Soviet aviation, flights on the Il-2 were equated... to a penal battalion.“Many pilots convicted by the decision of the tribunal during the Second World War, instead of a penal battalion, were sent as riflemen to the Il-2, 30 sorties on which were equivalent to 1 year of a penal battalion,” Artem Drabkin recorded the memories of front-line soldiers in the book “I Fought on the Il-2 We were called "suicide bombers".

The youngest of the 154 twice Heroes in the entire history of the Soviet Union was a 22-year-old who flew 227 combat missions (equivalent to 7.5 years in a penal battalion), as a result of which he personally destroyed and damaged seven tanks, 10 artillery pieces, five aircraft at enemy airfields, 19 vehicles with troops and cargo, a steam locomotive, blew up two ammunition depots, suppressed 17 anti-aircraft artillery firing points, destroyed many other military equipment and enemy personnel.

He walked the battle path from Stalingrad, Donbass, to Koenigsberg.

He was awarded 7 military orders, and 2 Hero Stars were given to the family... after his death.

1945 - Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal for courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders;

1945 - Hero of the Soviet Union with the Golden Star medal. Posthumously;

Three Orders of the Red Banner;

Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 3rd degree;

Order of Alexander Nevsky;

1st degree;

Lots of medals.

Mykola Semeyko was born into a military family and always considered himself Ukrainian;

On April 19, 1945, according to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, Nikolai Semeiko was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal for courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders. However, the famous attack pilot was not destined to pin the highest awards of the USSR to his chest, since the very next day after this decree he died in an air battle in East Prussia;

East Prussia on the map. The core of Prussia with its capital city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) now belongs to Russia, forming the Kaliningrad region.

2 months and 10 days after Semeiko’s death, he was awarded the title of Hero for the second time, but this time posthumously.

Biography of Nikolai Semeiko.

1940 - Nikolai Semeiko joined the Red Army;

1942 - graduated from the Voroshilovgrad Military Aviation School of Pilots and Advanced Courses for Command Staff;

1943 - member of the CPSU (b);

Since March 1943, he has been on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. He was a crew commander, flight commander, deputy commander, commander and navigator of a squadron of the 75th Guards Attack Aviation Regiment, having begun combat activities near Stalingrad, took part in the battles on the Mius River, as well as in the battles for the liberation of Donbass, Crimea, as part of the troops of the Southern, 4th Ukrainian and 3rd Belorussian fronts;

October 1944 - navigator of a squadron of the 75th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment and navigator of the same regiment of the 1st Guards Assault Aviation Division of the 1st Air Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front;

On April 20, 1945, Nikolai Illarionovich Semeiko died during an air battle in East Prussia.

Perpetuating the memory of Nikolai Semeiko.

Bronze bust in Slavyansk;

The medium fishing trawler of Project 502E is named after him - tail number KI-8059;

School No. 12, where Nikolai Semeiko studied, now bears his name.

Hero of the Soviet Union is the highest title, the greatest distinction and achievement that could be achieved in the USSR. The award in the form of a gold star, universal respect and honor were received by those who accomplished a real feat during the war or other hostilities, as well as in peacetime, but, most likely, this was a rare exception rather than the rule. It was not easy to receive such a title once, what to say about those who received it several times?

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union... There were as many as 154 such exceptionally brave people. Of these, 23 have survived to this day - this is data as of November 2014.

The first twice heroes of the USSR

They became pilots. They received their awards back in 1939 during clashes with Japanese fighters. These are Colonel Kravchenko, Major Gritsevets and Corporal Smushkevich. Unfortunately, fate was merciless to them. The pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Gritsevets, having shot down a dozen enemy fighters in the sky, died a month after receiving the award.

The plane crash also claimed the life of Kravchenko. By the way, he became the youngest lieutenant general in the USSR. He was only 28 years old then. During the war, he commanded an entire air division and eliminated 7 enemy aircraft in Japanese skies. During one of the flights, he jumped out of a burning car, but his parachute did not open due to a cable broken by a shell fragment.

As for Smushkevich, after all the valor he showed in Spain in 1937 and receiving the highest awards, he was taken into custody in June 1941 by representatives of the NKVD. The hero was accused of conspiracy and campaigning aimed at reducing the defense capability of the Red Army. He was shot a few months after his arrest.

Boris Safonov

One of those who was the first to receive the title “Twice Hero of the Soviet Union” was this world-famous pilot. He distinguished himself already in the first air battles with the Nazis in 1941. They say that the Germans, when they noticed his plane on the horizon, transmitted a message to each other: “Safonov is in the air.” This was the signal for all enemy fighters to immediately return to base. Not only were they afraid to go into battle one-on-one with a Soviet pilot, even a whole group of planes tried not to collide with him in the sky.

Soviet attack aircraft, whose combat vehicles were brightly painted, became the first targets of the Nazis. They were easy to notice, they irritated and caused aggression in the enemy. Safonov had two huge inscriptions on board: “Death to the Nazis” and “For Stalin.” Despite this, he managed not only to survive for a long time, but also to have the highest rate of downed enemy fighters. Safonov’s exploits were also noted in the UK. He received this country's highest aviation award, "For Distinguished Flying Achievement." The hero died in May 1942 in battle.

Leonov Viktor Nikolaevich

There were two namesakes who received this high award. And I want to tell you about these courageous people, so different, but such significant exploits of which are inscribed in golden letters in the history of our homeland. The first is twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Viktor Nikolaevich Leonov. In 1944, his detachment, fearlessly attacking the enemy and capturing the Germans, created all the conditions for the Soviet landing force to successfully land in the port of Liinakhamari and liberate the cities of Finnish Petsamo and Norwegian Kirkenes.

The second time he showed valor and courage was actually in peacetime. In 1945, during the continuation of the confrontation between the Soviet and Japanese states, his detachment captured thousands of soldiers and officers several times, fought with the enemy for many days in a row and captured ammunition depots. For all these merits he again received the highest award. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Nikolaevich Leonov continued to serve for the benefit of the Motherland after the war. He died in 2003.

Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich

Viktor Nikolayevich’s namesake did not run under bullets and did not blow up dugouts, but his actions not only glorified him, but the entire Soviet Union. Alexey Arkhipovich is a famous cosmonaut. He received a high award for being the first in the history of mankind to decide to go into outer space. His famous "walk" lasted 12 minutes and 9 seconds. He showed his valor when, due to a damaged, bloated spacesuit, he could not return to the ship. But taking strength into his fist and showing ingenuity in unforeseen conditions, he figured out how to pump out the excess pressure from his clothes and got on board.

For the second time, he was awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union” for the fact that, as commander of the Soyuz 19 spacecraft, he successfully completed the docking operation with the American Apollo. Neither the Soviet cosmonauts nor their fellow astronauts had seen this before. Therefore, Leonov’s feat gave impetus to further active exploration of the starry spaces. He became an example for all young cosmonauts, and still is, as he is one of the living heroes. In 2014 he turned 80 years old.

Feat of the Kazakhs

This nation played a big role in the destruction of fascism and the Third Reich. Like other republics of the USSR, Kazakhstan did everything for the front during World War II. More than a million ordinary soldiers volunteered for the battlefields. 50 regiments and battalions, 7 rifle brigades, 4 cavalry and 12 rifle divisions were mobilized. The Kazakhs were among the first to break into the Berlin City Hall and paint the walls of the Reichstag. Many of them, without thinking about themselves, covered enemy pillboxes with their bodies and dropped their planes on German freight trains.

Five of them received the highest award several times. Twice heroes of the Soviet Union are Kazakhstanis: Leonid Beda, Sergei Lugansky, Ivan Pavlov. For example, the first on this list, an ace attack aircraft, shot down hundreds of enemy aircraft. There are legends about the pilot Begeldinov even today. Another Kazakh, Vladimir Dzhanibekov, became fifth on this list, but after the war. He became famous as an outstanding cosmonaut. In addition, during the war years, about 500 representatives of this nation became one-time heroes of the USSR, and their exploits will also never be forgotten.

Svetlana Savitskaya

There are 95 names of representatives of the fair sex in the list of Heroes of the USSR. But only one of them managed to receive the highest award several times. A woman, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, she imbibed with her mother's milk the desire to be the best. Many character traits were passed on through genes, and many were cultivated by this strong personality herself.

Her father, Evgeny Savitsky, by the way, was also a twice Hero and was an air marshal during the war. Behind my mother’s back there are also many combat missions and shot down fascist planes. It is not surprising that the daughter of such parents entered flight school. But the woman never used her father’s connections, and achieved everything herself. She became the second female cosmonaut after Tereshkova. She worked in outer space more than once, rubbing the noses of American astronauts. She has nine world records in jet aircraft, three in group jumps from the stratosphere with a parachute. Savitskaya received the title of world champion in aerobatics on piston aircraft.


The famous pilot is remembered and revered in his native Dagestan. The airport, streets, squares and parks are named in his honor. But many years ago, Soviet citizens argued that Twice Amet Khan Sultan also had another homeland: the city of Yaroslavl. He was recognized as an honorary citizen of this locality, and a monument was erected to him. Old-timers remember this young boy of the 21st, who was not afraid to ram an enemy plane right over the roofs of houses and thereby save the city from bombing.

The ejected pilot was picked up by local residents and his wounds were bandaged. And the German Messer he had shot down was dragged to the center and put on public display as an example of the valor and courage of a simple Soviet youth. Throughout the war, he showed his heroism more than once, so the awards he received were absolutely deserved. The twice Hero of the Soviet Union reached Berlin and fought his last battle on April 29, 1945, just a week before the Great Victory.

Ivan Boyko

There were heroes not only among the pilots. In the Great Patriotic War, tankers, including Ivan Boyko, distinguished themselves more than once. He fought in Belarus, in the Smolensk direction and commanded a tank regiment, which distinguished itself on the Ukrainian front during the Zhitomir-Berdychev operation. Having traveled almost 300 kilometers, the tankers liberated a hundred cities. They captured 150 Germans with all their guns and fighting vehicles. They defeated several enemy echelons, from which they captured strategically important cargo.

The second time the tank regiment distinguished itself near the Ukrainian cities of Chernivtsi and Novoselitsa. The soldiers under the leadership of Boyk not only liberated these settlements, but also captured many enemy soldiers and officers. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union ended the war on the ruins of the Reichstag. In the city of Kozatyn, a memorial bust was erected to the valiant tanker; he became an honorary citizen in Chernivtsi. He has many medals, orders and other awards. He died in 1975 in Kyiv.

Sergey Gorshkov

Not many soldiers and officers received the title “Hero of the Soviet Union” among the naval brethren. But Sergei Gorshkov succeeded. He led the landing of the first amphibious assault on the Black Sea, which subsequently contributed to the successful counter-offensive of the Red Army units in this area. Commanded the Azov and Danube military flotillas. In 1944 he was promoted to vice admiral.

Sergei Gorshkov took part in the battles for the liberation of Hungary from the occupiers. His last military operation was the capture of Gerjen, which he called an ideal springboard for an attack on Lake Balaton. After all, having reached the lake, the Red Army could surround Budapest and drive the enemy out of there. Operation was successfully completed. And at the beginning of 1945, Gorshkov was assigned to command the Black Sea Fleet. In this rank he met the victory over the Third Reich. He received the highest awards for exceptional courage, bravery and valor during the fight against the invaders, for the skillful leadership of the troops entrusted to him.

Afanasy Shilin

The first time he received the highest award was in the winter of 1944 for his successful performance. Here he showed courage, which helped our soldiers maintain a bridgehead on the right bank. In this battle, Shilin independently managed to eliminate two German machine-gun crews, two officers and 11 soldiers. When the Fritz surrounded him, he did not hesitate to call fire on himself. Thanks to this, our troops managed to gain a foothold on the bridgehead and push the enemy far back.

The second time he was awarded as the leader of a group that successfully reconnoitered the territory and destroyed the Nazis’ weapons. As a result, the enemy’s plan to capture the Magnushevsky bridgehead was thwarted. He personally stormed enemy strongholds, and in battles on Polish soil, being wounded and almost unconscious, he threw a bunch of grenades into a bunker and destroyed it. Thanks to this, the Red Army launched an offensive.

Twice Heroes of the Soviet Union... The list includes the names of pilots and cosmonauts, sea dogs and tank crews, artillerymen and partisans. But there are even more of those who, having shown exceptional courage, died unknown, were exiled or repressed, despite their merits and faithful service to the Fatherland. We need to remember not only the decorated participants in the war, but all privates and officers without exception, each of whom is a Hero.

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